Travel Management

The caniasERP Travel Management (TRV) module allows employees to record their travel plans, travel advances, travel expenses, other travel-related needs requests (vehicle, computer, etc.) and company phone line requests, as well as tracking planned and actual expenditure costs.

Travel Requests

It is possible to enter travel planning in advance by entering information such as start and end dates, destination country, city, project information, round trip transportation information, hotel, ticket, passport etc., on travel requests. In the travel record, related vehicle requests, other travel needs, travel-related advance records can also be recorded, and travels can be tracked with status. Additionally, evaluation questions can be followed for the return of the trip. For the planned business advance records entered in the travel details, an advance request record can be created quickly with the Travel Advance Request process.

Advance Requests

With the Advance Request transaction, it is possible for employees to request advances for their business over the system in defined cost types. In the business advance definitions, business advance limits can be defined on the basis of expense type, country, duty and date ranges, and the advance amounts requested by employees can be controlled according to these limits. The demand status can be followed from the job advance status field. The business advance request can be created in relation to travel or can be created independently from each other. Employees can enter their job advance requests from the self-service transaction, and for these advance requests, they can make multiple expense entries related to the job advances afterwards. Realized expenditure amounts on the expense entry screen can be followed on the related business advance detail screen after entry.

Vehicle Requests

Vehicle Requests application consists of two parts: Vehicle Base Data and Vehicle Requests. In the Vehicle Base Data section, basic information such as license plate, brand, model, kilometer start, kilometer end, and kilometer usage for company pool vehicles are recorded. In the details of the basic data of the vehicle, who, between what dates, have used the relevant vehicle from the past to this day and what the usage information is can be displayed. With the Vehicle Requests transaction, a vehicle request can be entered on behalf of the employee by another employee or the relevant user. The requests can be evaluated and the Reserve can be made by the authorized person for suitable vehicles in the pool. In vehicle delivery operations, mileage information can be processed, and when the vehicle is returned, it can be returned to the pool.

Company Phone Lines

Company lines are recorded by entering the phone number information. When company lines are in continuous use, they can be directly associated with the employee, or they can be assigned to the date ranges entered to employees with line requests. In line detail, the data of which personnel have the lines that are in use and who used which line before can be accessed.

Other Travel Requests

In the Other Requests transaction, for certain date intervals, in case the employee requests fixed assets, computer, phone, projection etc. materials can be associated with the request. According to this information, appropriate associations for use can be made over the system.

Self-Service Transactions

In line with travel practices, there are self-service transactions where employees can enter and follow their own records. While all records are listed on the Travel Management screen, in self-service transactions, the user can only list their own requests. Related transactions can be listed as My Travels, My Advance Requests, My Expense Documents, My Vehicle Requests, and My Other Requests.

Travel Reports

Who is Where: It is the report showing where the employees are on the given date, including their travel colleagues.

Recent Travels: Option to prepare travel reports between two recent dates.

Travel Report: Reports the answers to the evaluation questions within the travel request.


Travel Management transactions have integration with Finance Management module transaction at several points of the processes. Accounting records can be created with financial integration while paying the employee with the Pay Employees transaction over the business advance. The expense transaction redirects to the expense tracking screen of the Finance Management. Expense entries and previously entered expense records can be followed on this screen. Records created with the create multiple expense option from the Advance Requests transaction are the expense records created in relation to the advance request. Independent expense records can also be created from the expense entry screen. After the advance expense entries are made, the Inquire Finance Status transaction can be used on the Advance Requests management screen, and the balance closing transaction can be performed with the help of return or payment registration keys. By making relevant definitions, it is possible to automatically transfer the per diem amounts calculated from the day value on the trip to the payrolls. In the per diem account, per diem allowance groups can be defined on the basis of country and currency, and daily per diem limit and exemption amounts can be determined. In addition to these integrations, it is possible to manage business processes for Travel Requests or Advance Requests with the Business Process Management module.

Features Overview

  • Travel Requests
  • Advance Requests
  • Vehicle Management (Vehicle Base Data / Vehicle Requests)
  • Company Phone Lines (Phone Lines / Phone Line Requests)
  • Other Travel Requests
  • Travel Reports
  • Expense Integration
  • Payroll Integration
  • Accounting Integration