Training Management

caniasERP Training Management (TRN) module includes training definitions, training requests, training records and transactions for tracking certificates.

Training contents can be prepared and printed through the system. With the integration of the Survey Management transactions, exams and surveys can be prepared and done through the system. With the Training Management Cockpit transction, visual reports can be followed and training plans can be made.

Training Definitions

Necessary materials, qualifications to be developed, the company providing the training, the training that should be taken with priority, the certificates to be earned, training costs, passing grades and training documents can be followed through the training definitions. Training dates planned for the training calendar can be saved. Educational content can be prepared and printed with rich content. Information on training places, such as capacity, company, material, cost, address etc. can be defined to include information and can be associated with places appropriate for the training. In the trainer definitions, cost information and training information that the instructor can give can be defined, the trainings given before by the trainer can be tracked.

Training Request Management

Training requests can be entered from the Request transaction and the Self-service transaction, or can be created via web service. The collected requests are selected from the most recent requests and enable the participant transfer to the training record. Training participants can be internal participants (staff data) or external participants (address book data). In the trainings that need to be taken periodically, the participants that have been taken before and are approaching the date can also be added to the relevant training record.


Training records can be created to include training description, location, and instructor information. The planned and actual costs can be calculated using training needs, instructor, and training location costs. Participants’ participation in training, exam participation, exam result information and comments can be kept in the system. Participants’ qualifications developed with the relevant training can be updated in the registration card. In addition, educational documents can be kept on the transaction. Various outputs related to the planned training (participant list, training timeline, training content, detailed participant output, etc.) can be prepared, participation details can be sent to the participants by e-mail.

Survey / Exam

Training surveys, questions and answers can be recorded in the system to be used in training. Through possible integration with the Survey Management module, the training or exams can be applied through the system. After the training, surveys or exams can be filled in from Self-service transaction or answers can be entered into the system by another user.


Participation and expertise certificates can be followed from the certificate application. For the participant who has participated in the training and is entitled to receive a certificate, a certificate of participation can be created through the training record or manual entry can be provided for both types of certificates from the certificate application. Output can be prepared with the design specified in the certificate definitions. Certificates can also be followed from the registry card.


Through Survey Management module integration, surveys or exams can be created in the relevant survey transaction and can be done on Self-service. If requests are collected from outside sources, it is possible to transfer training requests from outside to the system with the help of the prepared web service. There are ready to use web service codes in order to use contents of training definitions, training texts and training plan outside of the company. Training definitions and training records transactions work integrated with the Document Management module and the relevant documents can be followed in the system. In addition, it is possible to manage business processes in transactions with the Business Process Management module.

Features Overview

  • Training Definitions
  • Demand Management
  • Training Records
  • Survey / Exam Integration
  • Certificate Tracking