Onka Elektrik decided to run its business processes with caniasERP at the beginning of this year and announced its cooperation with IAS. While the ERP project continues, the company took another important step in its journey with canias4.0 Technologies: With a meeting held at Onka Elektrik's headquarters, the company announced the launch of the canias4.0 IoT project.
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can open up great opportunities for companies in terms of new technical applications, digital business models and practical facilitation of everyday life, and have disruptive potential because the scientific and economic application possibilities are far-reaching.
With Industry 4.0, the degree of digitalization, networking, and integration is increasing, and autonomous technologies are gaining in importance. As a result, decisions are being made more and more automatically. The same applies to defined goals and rules. This also raises the level of process efficiency.
IAS Business Academy (IBA), which provides training on many subjects such as canias 4.0 technologies, digitalization, and industry 4.0 to all canias4.0 users, especially IAS's customers, employees and business partners, continues its activities effectively with its growing team and developing qualifications.
Çiğdem Dönmez, General Manager of IAS Business Academy, explains the path and success they have covered in 2020 with the IAS Business Academy (IBA), which provides a comprehensive training service within IAS. IBA, which carried all its work to online platforms in 2020, expanded its business volume and sales by 100 percent and its team by 120 percent, adapting rapidly to pandemic conditions and turned the process into a success story!
Especially for manufacturing companies, there are more and more possibilities leading to a networked company with extensive data exchange between all machines, employees and systems - thus turning them into "Digital Factories". New technologies along the value chain are used to deliver greater value and reduce workloads, and increased data transparency, which not only collects data but also connects and interlinks it in a meaningful way, promotes deeper and better decision making.
The technology company IAS, which successfully managed the pandemic process, closed the year 2020 with 50 percent growth. IAS Chairman of the Board Yaşar Hakan Karabiber, announcing that they will expand their field of activity in 2021, says "Our goal is 100 percent growth."
Explaining that the solutions they offer with canias4.0 Technologies provide a great advantage for SMEs, IAS Deputy Country Sales Manager Ebru Tanburacı says, "Digital transformation enables SMEs to take firm steps towards growth by achieving efficiency and cost savings in their business processes."
Explaining the IoT solutions they offer with canias4.0 technologies, IAS General Manager İlker Er says, "We produce with our experienced engineering team focused on developing technologies that will connect businesses to the present and the future with all our strength."
We talked to IAS General Manager İlker Er about canias 4.0. İlker Er said, “We offer holistic solutions to our customers with canias4.0. "Our users get their ERP needs with a single software, as well as many of their needs, especially IoT, big data, AI (artificial intelligence), cloud solutions, iasDB, caniasIQ and e-Government integrations, without the need for a third party software."
Where do you shop? In an online shop or a stationary retailer? Do you use apps, retail portals, outlet stores or sales representatives? In the meantime, the question of "or" often no longer arises, as retailers have placed themselves on several footholds. This openness enables flexibility.
"Human Focused Transformation" will be discussed at the PMI-TR Digital Summit. Under the sponsorship of IAS at the summit to be held on Sunday, May 30th, experts will find out the answer to these questions, “How does transformation affect people ?, How does project management evolve ?, How is sustainability achieved in uncertainty?”
IAS software specialists offer a high-level training for experienced software developers! The Software Engineering training offered within the IAS Business Academy (IBA) has a detailed content covering the design, development and maintenance of the software.
IAS Business Academy (IBA) starts 'caniasERP Implementation' training! Comprehensive training to be provided by IAS senior project managers and IBA instructors aims to make the participants specialize in IAS's project management methodologies prepared in accordance with international standards.
IAS Business Academy (IBA) announced a new eight-week training plan in South Korea. IAS South Korea consultancy staff, business partners in the region and IBA South Korea team will participate in the specialty training that covers all caniasERP modules.
caniasERP webinars, organized free of charge by IAS Business Academy every Tuesday since March, attract great attention from the audience! Webinars, which include up-to-date information on caniasERP modules as well as Industry 4.0 issues, continue without slowing down.
Increasing its business volume and number of employees every day, IAS plans to add nearly 50 new consultants and software experts to its team in the near future. Candidates who are planned to join the team are expected to successfully complete two-week free basic caniasERP training offered by the IAS Business Academy (IBA) prior to the interview.
Success, development or expansion of a company can bring with it new requirements and structures. In such cases, the introduction of a new ERP system can support the company in meeting these new challenges. However, various factors must be taken into account to structure itself and optimize decision-making in order to choose the system that best matches its needs.
Managing its business processes with caniasERP, Unimix LLC has experienced a successful enterprise digital transformation process. In an interview with Unimix LLC Group Internal Auditor Awais Saleem and Unimix LLC IT Engineer Noorulhameen Halil Rahman, we talked about the company's digital transformation journey with caniasERP. Explaining the advantages offered by caniasERP, company officials said, "We have easily overcome all the chaos in our processes with the caniasERP system."
caniasERP webinars, which attracted great attention, will continue in July. Do not forget to register online from the IAS Business Academy website (iasbusinessacademy.com) to meet with experts who develop caniasERP on the online platform and ask your questions
Terms such as sustainability, new markets, manufacturing on demand, global networking, trade wars, digitization and automation, service-oriented and complementary business models, localization - or, if you look at the very latest, the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) - all these have a significant impact on global trade.